DISDRODB Metadata Archive#

The DISDRODB metadata repository is hosted on GitHub and serves as a central hub for tracking available stations, the potential malfunctioning of the sensors, and to list the URLs of the remote data repositories where the raw disdrometer data are stored. The GitHub platform facilitates community collaboration to continuously enhance station metadata using best open-source practices. This approach also enables recursive data quality improvements, while keeping the DISDRODB product chain transparent and fully reproducible.

To ensure quality and consistency of metadata, a comprehensive standard set of metadata keys has been established. The DISDRODB community is empowered to pinpoint specific timestamps or periods when sensors might have malfunctioned or generated erroneous data logs through specific issues YAML files.

The DISDRODB Metadata Repository is therefore updated on a regular basis to reflect the latest status of the stations and the data availability.

Here below we detail the necessary step to add/update the information of the DISDRODB Metadata Archive.

Fork and download the DISDRODB Metadata Archive#

If you plan to add new data to the DISDRODB Decentralized Data Archive or you want to just update some station metadata/issues information, go to the DISDRODB metadata repository, fork the repository on your GitHub account and then clone the forked repository:

git clone https://github.com/<your_username>/disdrodb-data.git

Update the DISDRODB Metadata Archive#

To update the DISDRODB Metadata Archive follow these steps:

  1. Go inside the disdrodb-data directory where you have cloned the repository:

  2. Create a new branch.

    git checkout -b "add-metadata-<data_source>-<campaign_name>"


    If you are adding information regarding a new station, please name the branch as follows: add-metadata-<data_source>-<campaign_name>.

    If you are just improving some specific information of an existing station, please name the branch as follows: update-metadata-<data_source>-<campaign_name>-<station_name>.

  3. Edit or add the metadata files that you are interested in.

  4. When you are done, please run the following command to check that the metadata files are valid:

    export DISDRODB_BASE_DIR="<path_to>/disdrodb-data/DISDRODB"


    The DISDRODB_BASE_DIR environment variable has to be specified only if the DISDRODB base directory has not been specified before in the DISDRODB configuration file.

  5. Commit your changes and push your branch to GitHub:

    git add *
    git commit -m "Add/update metadata for <data_source> <campaign_name>"
    git push origin <branch_name>
  6. Go to the GitHub DISDRODB Metadata Repository, open the Pull Request and wait for a maintainer to accept it! For more information on GitHub Pull Requests, read the “Create a pull request documentation”.

  7. If you struggle with this process, do not hesitate to raise an issue so we can help!