disdrodb.l0.readers package#


disdrodb.l0.readers.reader_template module#

disdrodb.l0.readers.reader_template.reader(raw_dir, processed_dir, station_name, force=False, verbose=False, parallel=False, debugging_mode=False)[source]#

Script to convert the raw data to L0A format.

  • raw_dir (str) –

    The directory path where all the raw content of a specific campaign is stored. The path must have the following structure <...>/DISDRODB/Raw/<DATA_SOURCE>/<CAMPAIGN_NAME>. Inside the raw_dir directory, it is required to adopt the following structure:

    - ``/data/<station_name>/<raw_files>``
    - ``/metadata/<station_name>.yml``

    Important points:

    • For each <station_name>, there must be a corresponding YAML file in the metadata subdirectory.

    • The <CAMPAIGN_NAME> are expected to be UPPER CASE.

    • The <CAMPAIGN_NAME> must semantically match between:

      • the raw_dir and processed_dir directory paths;

      • with the key campaign_name within the metadata YAML files.

  • processed_dir (str) – The desired directory path for the processed DISDRODB L0A and L0B products. The path should have the following structure <...>/DISDRODB/Processed/<DATA_SOURCE>/<CAMPAIGN_NAME> For testing purposes, this function exceptionally accepts also a directory path simply ending with <CAMPAIGN_NAME> (e.g., /tmp/<CAMPAIGN_NAME>).

  • station_name (str) – The name of the station.

  • force (bool, optional) – If True, overwrite existing data in destination directories. If False, raise an error if data already exists in destination directories. Default is False.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – If True, print detailed processing information to the terminal. Default is True.

  • parallel (bool, optional) – If True, process the files simultaneously in multiple processes. The number of simultaneous processes can be customized using the dask.distributed.LocalCluster. If False, process the files sequentially in a single process. Default is False.

  • debugging_mode (bool, optional) – If True, reduce the amount of data to process. Only the first 3 raw data files will be processed. Default is False.

Module contents#